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Your life is predestined…

…as told by the higher-self

Andrew Schultink
9 min readAug 25, 2020


Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? And why certain things just cross your path exactly when you need it, while at other times you literally crave for something which never seems to happen? Why do we all of a sudden have particular thoughts or images in mind, not knowing where they come from, just to find out mere moments later that those exact things become your reality? And yet when you try to manifest something deliberately into your life, nothing happens.

Most of us in the world (excuse me for generalizing here) live our days either spending it thinking about memories from the past, or projections of our imagined future. It’s often said to live in the now, which will relieve you from your past pains and anxious thoughts of what’s to come. And yet honestly, our lives and the creation of our own day to day reality is fully based on your past. Because there is no reference to anything else.

I don’t know about you, but when I go to sleep at night, I know exactly what my bedroom looks like, the sheets I lay under, my dog at the foot-end of the bed and so on. I know exactly what I have right now, today and the days before that. So I am fairly certain that when I wake up tomorrow, all those things around me, situations, people and circumstances will be exactly the same. I expect it to be, because it’s my frame of reference. I hardly expect to wake up tomorrow living as a king in a castle and being loved by a fair maiden. Therefor it’s safe to say that we create our reality based on our past, since expectancy and subconscious beliefs create our living reality.


And then sometimes, out of the blue I tend to recognize a certain situation in my life. Where almost everything is exactly as expected. I’ve seen this before. I know exactly what will happen. The people there, words being said, the weather conditions, time of day… everything in that moment, I know! If you ever had a Deja-vu, you know what I mean by this. In psychology we explain this as the brain short-circuiting, where your eyes and your brain perceives something before our consciousness does. Which is why you recognize it as a yet unlived memory.

In my opinion psychology took a swing…, and missed.

As we know today, we live in a living and breathing Universe. If you didn’t know that yet, then you are going to catch up right now. The Universe surrounding you responds to your every single move, thought, idea, and the pictures you imagine in your mind. Did you know when you close your eyes, the world you perceive outside of you, disappears? As Vadim Zeland explains in his book ‘Reality Transurfing’ your mere attention towards something makes it so.

Quantum Physics shows we are all energies, connected to a greater field of possibilities. Have you ever seen Star Trek where there is a so called ‘holodeck’ on board, which creates 3D worlds and people from energy, so you can enter a world within this world? Well your mind is the same. As you live in this world, your reality, you can also enter the mind and have your own holographic imagination to create anything you like.

Now here is where it gets exciting. Whatever you can perceive in the mind, can be projected into the reality you are living. In the Law of Attraction, we call this attracting or manifesting a new reality. Vadim Zeland calls it Transurfing to another realm or parallel Universe.

Now to get back to Deja-vu. In your life you make hundreds of thousands of choices. And every choice you make, will change your life just a bit. Because you can say No to something, or Yes. This will change the course of your actions and behaviors. You can go Left, you can go Right, and in some cases you can just keep going Straight, or even go Back. Those are 4 options, leaving 3 of them unexplored.

I often have Deja-vu moments and if you do as well, then you may agree with me, that a Deja-vu is never 100% the same as you remember it to be. Let’s just say it’s 90% similar as you remember a certain situation, but there is something different, which often is an important aspect of the whole situation you are experiencing. To me, it means I made a choice which then has transferred me into another reality where I am experiencing the same situation, but slightly different.

It might be that in my Deja-vu I remember a person coming in, which I have a quarrel with, but now in my actualized reality, this doesn’t happen. Meaning I made different choices in my life, which do lead to this moment, but not to the quarrel with a specific person. I was predestined to be here in this moment of time, in this situation, with all these circumstances… but due to a shift into another realm of reality, it didn’t pan out the way it was planned.

As said in psychology, your eyes and your brain perceive something before our consciousness does. And this is why we have a Deja-vu. That would mean there is a few milliseconds of delay. Yet I remember seeing these certain Deja-vu moments already weeks before, years before, and in some cases, I can remember that I knew this situation decades before they actually happened.

Life is Predestined

You ever had that soft voice in the back of your mind? Giving you absolute amazing advice or answers? You know it’s not your ego polishing its own perceived greatness. No that soft voice omits the ego and says exactly what you need to know or what to do. It’s your higher-self, helping you.

Now I’ve had my moments of despair, my worries and my wishes for the future. And then I came to the profound answer to ‘let it be’. Don’t get me wrong, my higher-self didn’t say let it be because it’ll never happen. It said let it be because everything will come to pass in life at the right time.

It’s become obvious to me now that life is predestined. And the things I crave for in life, will all come. Because [and here comes the kicker] the reason you crave things, the reason you set goals, have certain wants and desires…, is because that’s what you will be getting in life at some point. But you will only get it when you learned how to, or when you’ve made the right choice which leads you there.

You cannot go from zero to a millionaire, you will have to learn a trade, expand your consciousness, maybe rise and fall a few times. You cannot go from single to an amazing loving relationship. Yes you will experience heartbreaks, the boy or girl that got away, some fights and hefty discussions. How else will you learn what it needs to make it amazing?

I’ve worked at the hospital for quite some time. People have accidents, get ill, break bones and what not. All you want then, is to heal and move around the way you used to. Only one thing to do then, is to relearn to walk again, start with liquid meals before you can have a steak, stretch those muscles, lift some weights. Before we can do anything, we need to learn pretty much everything.

So when the higher-self said let it be, it meant not to worry for the future, not to wanna go from zero to a hundred in a split second, not to be disgruntled over things that didn’t happen [yet]. Let it go, live in the now, know what you want and take your daily steps towards them. Things will come to pass when you’re good and ready for it.

The reason you want something in life, is because you are destined to have it.
Or else you wouldn’t chase it.

You wouldn’t learn about something if this wasn’t to be on your life’s path. You might not be into painting so you won’t learn this, yet someone else loves to paint and they get really skilled at it. We all have certain things we want in life. And we will often find ways to achieve them, to reach our goals.

If you do not like painting, then would you chase that goal? No you wouldn’t. So right now if you really want a career as CEO of a great company. Or if you want to build a family with 2.4 kids, a Labrador and a station wagon. Or if you finally want to stop being depressed… well then THAT is what you will work on. And when you do, you will achieve it when you are ready for it.

What does this all mean?

You come to this world with a predestiny of the things you will accomplish in this lifetime. Sure you may stray from your path, making different choices at times. This will make you have Deja-vu’s knowing your are still on the right path, just certain small aspects of them changed. But hey, you are still on the same path, still heading in that direction of your wants and wishes.

So if life is predestined, does that mean you can just give up now? Life will unfold the way it has to anyway, right?

Well yes, and no. Giving up is also a choice. Which means your life will change in a certain way. But remember this, we humans are made to have goals. We are made to have desires. No one has zero wants. At least you’ll want food, water, taking a shower. And when we get bored we want to be entertained. If we feel lonely we want love and attention. You always want something.

You could then say; Well then I want a relationship, but I don’t have to chase it anymore, visualize it any longer, or do anything for it. Because if it’s predestined, he or she will cross my path…

Look at it this way. You want that relationship, and because you chase it, because you visualized it, and because you took certain steps (dating websites, blind dates, etc.) you end up on a path to meet this person. You did exactly that, in order to experience a relationship.

Then you could say; Yeah but if it’s predestined, I’d meet this person anyway, even without the efforts.

Whatever choice you make. Taking action steps or being passive. It makes no difference. Your life is predestined, so being passive is also predestined. You will notice when you are passive in searching for a loved one, that it won’t work well sitting on the sofa watching TV all day. So then your mind will automatically motivate you to take action again.

So then, how to live, what to do?

As I understand it from my higher-self, you should have the dreams you dream of. It will happen. But there is no sense at all to worry about it coming to pass. When, in your mind, you keep living in the future, you will always be anxious, waiting for something, then being disappointed it’s not here yet today. When you keep living in the past, wallowing in things which now you miss, then how much fun is life today? Just let it be. Am I starting to sound like the Beatles?

How are you today? Ask yourself: Am I in trouble now? Am I in need of something now? Or am I fine where I am? When you’re all good, then why worry for the future? When you’re all good, why live in the past? Now you are fine. So have a coffee now, and enjoy it now. Then in a few moments you might think of an action step to take towards your goal. Might be a small step, might even be a big step. But also be in the now when you take that step. Because if and when you’ve taken a number of steps, that huge thing you want will be accomplished with a lot less frustration, anxiousness and disappointments.

I am writing this article now. I’m in the now. I haven’t thought about some troubles from yesterday, nor do I think of things I have to do later. It helps me be calm, in the moment. Things will come my way when it should. My purpose of the moment might change many times during the day, but I don’t worry, coz I’m now writing this article. My purpose later might be helping a client, or cleaning the bathroom, or walking my dog. It will present itself when I get to it. This relieves me of stress and I feel little pressure.

The desires I have for my future? They are there. I would like to double the number of clients I help. I feel motivated to reach that goal. It won’t happen in a split second, I’ll gradually work towards that. It might make me choose to do some advertisements. Or maybe I’ll get referrals from other clients. I might think tonight before I go to bed to visualize it. I know the desire I have will come to pass. The way I get there, well, that’s still a mystery. For now this article is done. My next purpose is too post it online, hopefully to enlighten others.

Whatever you do, follow your path in the now. Tomorrow will come, I promise you.

Andrew Schultink PSYCH-K® Facilitation & PMA Therapy

