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The value of money…

…And your own self-worth

Andrew Schultink
6 min readSep 3, 2020


Money, in all its glory. We want it, desire it, work for it, pray for it, and some steal it, or would even kill for it. As good or bad as money may be, it can bring out a lot of different emotions in us. Sometimes money is set even higher on the ladder as love and happiness, because if you have enough money, you can just buy love and happiness, right?

One person has a lot of money, the other too little. Often people have just enough to be able to make it financially from month to month, a number of people live comfortably on their income, and only a small percentage of the world’s population can literally swim in their money.

It sometimes seems like the more money you want, the less you get. While people who already have plenty of money hit one windfall after another. A fact is, that what you think about the most (not just money but also in other areas of your life), is what you have the least of. Because let’s face it, how often do you worry about being able to walk? Or how often do you doubt that you can see? How often do you crave a roof over your head?

You most likely can walk and see, you have a roof over your head, and there are a lot more things in your life that you never even think about. But if you don’t have something, you think about it all day long. If you have little or no money, it is constantly on your mind. Try going grocery shopping without money for example. Or do you want a relationship, yet now you are alone, then you’re craving love. If you are looking to start a new career, but no one gives you a chance, it will regularly trouble your mind.

Whatever it is you’re constantly thinking about, you’ve probably put it high upon a pedestal. You crave it, adore it, you beg for it, and you probably feel worthless that you just can’t manage to manifest it in your life. Especially with money, this is a big problem. Because if you put money high on a pedestal, it often means that you see little value in yourself. Because if money is worth worshiping to you, then you most likely feel worth-less in the eye of money and wealth.

“If only I had a lot of money, people would like me”. Or for example: “If I win the lottery, then see what happens”. And of course this one: “If I have that job with that income, they will finally respect me”. It’s like money brings some sort of ‘instant self-worth’ with it. But if the money is gone, then so will your self-worth.

You may have heard the phrase that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. The same also applies to your self-worth. The more self-worthy you feel, the more money you will manifest in your life. It just doesn’t work the other way around. You can’t boost your sense of self-worth with a lot of money, and even if you could, it is often very short-lived.

Having self-worth is at the top of your ‘be-ing’. Self-worth creates a healthy self-esteem, it gives you self-confidence, you have a positive self-image, and you are more certain in the actions you take. All that results in more income, better relationships, more happiness and satisfaction in your life.

Striving for money, or any other materialistic thing you’re pursuing, will bring you none of this. You maintain your self-worth, both in poverty or in wealth. But if you don’t feel any self-worth, wealth (and many other parts of your life) will remain nothing but a dream.

So then how to do that? If you feel inadequate, have no self-worth, and label yourself as inferior? We look for ways to disguise or resolve this by seeking answers outside of us. Out there in the world where money is power, where other people can support (or destroy) us, where we look for “something” to get out of this predicament in order to feel better. But unfortunately, even if you would win the lottery and relocate, one thing remains exactly the same in your life, namely: You! And nothing outside of yourself can improve your inner-self.

You may think, “Oh here’s another New Age Self-Help talk coming”, but no. I’m not going to tell you to endlessly repeat positive affirmations all day long to boost your spirit. And I’m not going to tell you to just visualize your self-worth in order to create it inside of you. Self-worth, unfortunately, does not fall out of thin air and into your lap.

Self-worth, is something you have to actually work on. You will have to step out of your comfort zone for a while. Because the comfort zone you are in now, doesn’t serve you. That’s the zone you’ve been living in all this time without your self-worth. So then when you want change, we have to work outside of your current comfort zone.

A few steps to get started:

1. Whomever does not serve you, thank them and say farewell.

People who criticize you, insult you, laugh at you, oppress you…, these are the people which do not serve you. Most likely, these are also the same people who have largely caused you to feel unworthy in the first place. Sometimes people say they are our friends, or love you, or want the right thing for you…

But they do this in a very painful and negative way that doesn’t help or support your inner self. So thank these people for their support, but if it’s doing you more harm, then say goodbye. This quickly provides a considerable [mental] relief. No more walking on egg-shells…!

2. Acknowledge to yourself the things you are good at.

If you don’t want to hear it from other people, then you shouldn’t do it as well. It doesn’t help you to talk down on yourself. Remarks towards yourself thinking you are dumb or stupid, that you are not handsome or beautiful enough, you can’t do things right, you are a failure, etc. etc. will only make you feel bad.

Take a good look at the things you can do. It doesn’t even have to be something big. You can shower yourself, you can keep your house clean, you are smart with puzzles, you know how to dress yourself and so on. Maybe they are small things, but it motivates your inner self to look at what you can do, instead of focusing on what you don’t like about yourself.

3. Every problem has a secondary gain.

You may never have worked on your self-worth because it somehow also helped you. Maybe it did get you some form of attention, like someone caring about you and cheering you up, so you felt supported. Or maybe it kept you from working too hard on something, so it didn’t put you at risk of failure. Find out why you got stuck feeling unworthy, what good has it [ever] brought you? Isn’t it time to get over that?

These 3 steps, which are also very important steps, can already significantly influence your life. It only takes you a few minutes to see who is supporting you in your life and who’s not. Let’s face it, you know very well who those people are.

It takes a little more effort every day to tune into your good qualities, and yes, it may take a little digging to figure out the benefits you have gained from your own self-destructive behavior. Be aware of your behavior and your actions on a daily basis. It takes a bit of effort at first, but you will do better along the way.

The 3 steps above are just the beginning, there are many more steps you can take to grow your sense of self-worth in order to be the person you are meant to be. Want to know more? Then visit me at:

Before you know it, you’re building up your self-worth, boosting your self-esteem, and you are starting to feel confident like you’re on top of the world.

And then…?

Then you will notice that money will also flow easier towards you, that you will get the job you wanted, and that your income grows because you started improving your efforts. Then you will match your self-worth to the value (worth) of money. And the stronger your sense of self-worth, the higher your financial wealth will be as well.

Whatever you do, I wish you all the wealth, health and happiness in all your efforts.


